Monday, May 2, 2011

In Response To: U.S. says Janjaweed militia is supported by Sudan's government

In this article it states that the Sudanese government will not accept any help from other nation except for very small amounts from the United Nations and they have also done nothing about it to stop the dispute. There was an attempt to have a peace treaty signed, but it didn’t make it all the way to being signed. I find this very interesting because it doesn’t make any sense. This is only hurting Darfur more and more. According to other articles that I have read the Janjaweed have been supplied with weapon and trained by the government, so therefore the government has the power to stop this, but they aren’t. This shows that the government wants the war to happen or just has nothing wrong with the war and therefore it will not stop unless someone from another country stops it. The government obviously wants to lessen or even remove the African population from Darfur which I think is also weird considering that Darfur is in Africa. The Sudanese government could disarm the Janjaweed at any moment because they control them and they really should, but they don’t do it. I feel as if the attempt at a peace treaty was just done because of the peer pressure. Most of the rest of the world feels that they should stop the genocide, but since the government doesn’t want to stop the genocide, but they also don’t want everyone on their back, so they decided to make the peace treaty to make it seem that they are trying to stop the dispute. The government has the power to stop this, but they don’t.


1 comment:

  1. The Sudan response to outside aid is similar to how Hutus and Tutsis did not want any foreign involvement, for they wanted to deal with the conflict on their own, Hutu to Tutsi. I disagree with this, after all UN nations signed a "Never Again" pact against genocide. In addition, it is similar to the Rwandan genocide because a government has the power to stop it, but is not. In Rwanda, it was the outside government like the US and France, but in Darfur it is the Sudan government. I don't understand why a government would want to destroy its own people. The Sudanese are not even making an effort to stop the genocide, they are supporting it.
