Monday, May 2, 2011

In response to: The Bloody Sideshow in Sudan

This was an article that was mostly talking about how Darfur was not getting any attention or help and is being treated horribly right now even though there is a major genocide occurring in Darfur. The article says that Darfur is just a “sideshow” to the situation in southern Sudan. Everyone is focusing on southern Sudan becoming its own nation rather than paying attention to the genocide. The sad part is that this is true. Darfur is not getting any attention right now and is just getting in worse and worse condition. I feel that genocide is way more important than a new nation forming. The new nation can wait. People are dying and it needs to stop. Nobody wants to get involved because once they do they end up getting the responsibility for the whole thing and they are expected to fix the problems, but nobody wants to do this and I understand that, but the attacks are brutal and they are just ruining every ones’ lives. If this genocide happened in the United States, there wouldn’t be any problem because we are in a better situation than Sudan right now and we also have many allies that are willing to help us, but the most important thing is that you would care because it is happening in your own country and you would want to do something about it. The difference between you and the people in Darfur that are being killed is that there is nothing that they can do about it and there are things that you can do about it. People need to start caring and think about how they would feel if they were in this situation.


1 comment:

  1. This is a really good article that you've written and I agree with you in that it's a horrible thing that no one seems to be paying any attention to the lives that are constantly being lost in Darfur. The sooner our world becomes empathetic and starts to really help others without selfish thoughts, the better a world it will be.
